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Illuminating journeys created by Andante Travels: leading tours to the ancient world for 28 years. Meet the Past: A new programme of expert-led holidays introducing the whole story of bygone civilisations from creation to collapse. The lives and landscapes of the men who fought in the Great War - a century after the outbreak of the conflict.

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13 Days | July 2014 | From £3850ĭ-Day, Ice Age Art, The Ancient Greeks, The Egyptians, The Inca, Turks in Constantinople, Pompeii and Herculaneum and many more! 9 Days | Jan, Apr & Oct 2014 | From £2375īloodthirsty raiders or civilised traders? Epic journey through Britain, Denmark, Germany and Sweden. Vlad the Impaler – folk hero or folk devil?Įxpert-led holidays introducing Histor y ’s Greatest Civilisations 2014Ī holiday fit for a Caesar! From the grand marble monuments of Rome to the haunting streets of Pompeii. “All we could see of the city was smoke and dust” HENRYVIII THE WARLORD The Tudor’s military triumphs & disastrous defeats ISSUE 003 How Napoleon’s descendant started the world-famous law enforcement agencyĢ0 key events that led to global conflictīabylon Edo 1868 The Battle of Waterloo Notre Dame Readers’ history Viet Cong tunnels

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